372 Rays Road, Black Mountain, 2365
Fantastic Acreage at Black Mountain

What a great little property this is!
At just on 100 acres, 372 Rays Road, Black Mountain has space for all your rural pursuits; whether it’s sheep, cattle, horses, cropping, meditation – the possibilities are only restricted by your imagination.
Rays Road is a quiet road about 20 kilometres from Armidale and from Guyra. With only four residences along Rays Road, it is true country living.
The comfortable three-bedroom home has a country kitchen, dining and large living room, an office, plus a wide verandah out the front.
Nearby, a four-bay steel shed is large enough to hold all your necessary equipment. Rainwater is harvested from the rooves of the house and shed and stored in five tanks.
A small set of sheep yards with a single stand shearing facility is next to a 2.5-hectare garden plot.
Further afield, the property is divided into five paddocks. Fencing is in good to excellent order.
Pastures are predominately native with some clover spread throughout the gently undulating 100% granite country. The property comfortably runs about 100 breeding ewes and their followers. Livestock are watered by five dams.
If you are seeking quality acres with a comfortable home with a quality address at a very reasonable price point, look no further than 372 Rays Road.
For further details or to arrange an inspection, please contact Graham MacDougall on 0412 220 302.
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