"Bald Rock", Tenterfield, 2372
Truly dynamic

Welcome to “Bald Rock”, Tenterfield.
This is a truly dynamic property set in the northern reaches of New England, New South Wales about 20 kilometres south-east of Tenterfield.
On one hand, “Bald Rock” is classic beef cattle country with a long history of running both, breeding stock and backgrounding feeder steers.
“Bald Rock” is ideally situated to service the processors and feedlots of northern NSW and the nearby Darling Downs. The property can run 450 breeding units or about 800 backgrounding steers, turning them off at close to 500kg.
Then there’s the orchard, with 1,200 cherry trees and 4,000 apple trees of various varieties. The farmers’ markets of Brisbane and the coast are a little over 3 hours away.
“Bald Rock” boasts two stylish homes. The main homestead is a thoughtfully restored 5 bedroom home with a country kitchen and fantastic living areas. The second home is nestled on a hillside overlooking the orchard and the nearby timber covered ranges. Both homes have wide verandahs and established gardens for outdoor living and entertaining.
That timber provides useful sheltered grazing as well as some truly special spots for family recreation.
Operational infrastructure is in excellent order throughout the property, with paddocks set up to feed into a central laneway leading to the cattle yards.
The yards themselves are well designed, constructed of solid local timber plus a steel V-race with a CIA “Interrogator” hydraulic crush making animal husbandry safe and efficient for both, the cattle and the operators.
Shedding includes a steel shed near the orchard and chemical shed, machinery shed and tack-room / small equipment shed at the main homestead. A cool room is located within the larger of these.
Pastures throughout the property are a mix of native and naturalised improved species thriving on gently undulating fine blue granite soils.
Water security is provided by 23 dams, 3 creeks (Bald Rock Creek, Brassington Creek and Cottesbrok Creek), a reticulation system, and an average annual rainfall above 850 mm. The nearby range ensures soft sheltered conditions for the paddocks that adjoin it.
“Bald Rock” offers so much more than the usual farm.
Ideal location, sound infrastructure and proven production, combined with a certain “X-factor” go to make “Bald Rock” a must inspect property.
“Bald Rock” has been SOLD by Graham MacDougall.
For further details or to arrange an inspection, please contact New England’s rural property specialist, Graham MacDougall on 0412 220 302.
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